Emergency Medicine Remix
There's an emergency in our communities, and it's probably not the one you think. Either way, we've got the medicine.
Emergency Medicine Remix
P.E. (Public Enemy, Physician Education, Patient Education, Personal Education)
Opener: PE (Welcome to the Terrordome)
“It takes a nation of millions to hold us back”Beating the odd in science and medicine and celebrating our triumphs
“Fear of a Black Planet”
How inequities hold us back by design
“911 is a Joke”
Real? Structural barriers, SDH of social and community context
"Security of the First World" interlude
"Brotha’s (and Sista’s) are gonna Work it out"
“She Watches Channel Zero”
Cataracts and Dr. Patricia Bath (In Celebration of Black History and Women's History Month)
Show ‘Em What You Got
Inspiring our people to advocate through education, through activism, innovation.
Night of the Living Baseheads (closer) the need to elevate the culture.